
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hi Folks, I haven't thrown in the towel, I swear.  Things are still going full steam ahead here in 1943 in Utah.  It's actually a lot of fun, so far.

Very, very eye opening when it comes to gasoline for the car.  We use a lot less than is the average for two people, but I'm amazed at how fast the gas rations go!  Our old Buick uses about the same amount of gas as cars did in 1943, so that's helpful.  It makes you extremely aware of how much gas you use when you only have a finite amount available.

I've been hurting and aching really bad lately and I've been wondering why.  Leaving work Monday night it dawned on me.  I have been out of the medication that I take for the fibromyalgia that accompanies my Lupus for over a month!  I have no idea how I let that happen, but happen it did.

I got it filled yesterday and I'm hoping that it won't take too long until it starts working.  I had forgotten that I'm so nauseous when I first start taking this.  I hope it doesn't last too long.

Anyway, my little darling here is extremely pleased I'm taking it very easy.  I've got a couple of other happy little furry ones too...  I've got to get pictures of them for you to see.  I took this one the other day and it came out so GOOD we thought I thought I'd share it with you.  Her name is Ashes.)


  1. She is a sweet pea. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Sorry to hear you have been feeling achy, that can be draining...hope you are back up and running soon. Ashes is just gorgeous!


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