
Saturday, January 16, 2016

I'm Baaack!

Hi all, I didn't intend to take an over two month hiatus from my blog.  Life just seemed to keep throwing things at me.  I think I have a handle on them now though.  The shingles are slowing down, not gone, but slowing down.  I know they are a virus, but I can't help but think that stress isn't good for me, especially with the Lupus.

Just to prove this, I'm working on my dress today!  Yay!  It's the time of year to get a couple of house dresses done and ready for the spring.  I want a vintage wardrobe, and this will be the way to get it.

I also want to make this a year of "Use Up What I Have."  So, for every thing I buy new material for, I am making myself make something out of the "stash" of material I have already.  I'm also trying to make as much for myself as I can.  I want to continue to control what chemicals I use and how much I have to spend.  Yes, finances are tight, but it's not just for that.  I ENJOY it, and it gives meaning to everyday things.  Plus, it's better to have things made with good workmanship than things that fall apart, you throw away, and buy new.  What a waste of resources!

I hope everyone's new year is going fabulously!  I encourage you all to go stop by my friend Donna's blog  She always has such wonderful info, and I've learned so much from her.

Hugs to you all!


  1. It's the beginning of a new year now, and I've just found your blog. I'm so disappointed there hasn't been any updates for a year. Is everything alright? Are you still on the ration?

    1. Tamara, GOD BLESS YOU! I've been knocking around in my mind of posting again, but I've thought "No one will notice!" Thank you for commenting, I appreciate it more than you know!

      Ironically, we were "off the rations" for a while, but on January 1, Donna and I ( Her blog is wonderful!) and I have gone back to 1942. We are using a 1942 cookbook, and cutting back portions to that time period, as well as doing all we can to replicate that experience.

      I will make a post soon! Thank you again!



  2. I, also, just stumbled upon your blog via gdonna and was wondering if you would be posting more. :)

    1. Oh yes, I'll be posting more! I've got a new Grandbaby and I've been very busy trying to work and help my daughter. It's worth it though, he's so adorable! I'll even be posting pictures of him soon!
