
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hello all!  I sent this following bit in an email to my friend Donna at, and she edited it a bit and said it was a good read and I should post it.  So I am!  I so appreciate her help, we are kindred spirits, and she really has wonderful things to teach everyone.

My generation really saw the changes, The baby boomers have covered a lot.  Space travel, cell phones, microwaves, computers at home, tablets, cable tv, internet, robotic vacuums and robots to sweep and mop your floor...and lots more things I can't think of.  Much less the social and economic changes...makes your head spin.

It's all too, too fast.  My son came upstairs Sunday night and it was dark, he came in the living room and was surprised to see me sitting in there reading, it was so quiet.  He didn't think anyone was home.  People just don't know  how to be quiet anymore.  First thing after dinner, people turn on the tv.  After we did the dishes, I remember going outside to sit.  Sometimes we'd play croquet, or lawn jarts, and other times we'd just sit and talk, play with the dog, etc.  I loved doing that with my Grandparents.  Then when it got darker we'd go in and watch tv.  One tv in the living room.  The old black and white they had before they got the color went in the kitchen, but it was rarely on, unless I wanted to watch something different when I got older.  I'd usually read or watch tv with them.  That's how I fell in love with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. I vividly remember the first time I saw "The African Queen."  I've been a Bogie fan ever since!

I encourage anyone who has never watched a Humphrey Bogart movie to take the time to do so!  Great plots, great acting, well worth the time.  I'm not a drama fan as a rule, when I go to movies it's either fantasy or comedy.  But I love Bogie.  "The African Queen", "To Have and Have Not", "Key Largo", and then the classic "Casablanca."  And plenty more I haven't mentioned.    


  1. You are so right - we do not know how to be quiet....not even inside our heads!

    1. It's hard, isn't it? We are so used to what I've heard referred to as "constant stimulation" that we we don't know how to do without it. I'm as bad as anyone else, even though I'm trying very hard to get better.

  2. This reminds me of one of my favourite quotes by Ram Dass; "The quieter you become, the more you can hear".

    This is so true, I practice being quiet as often as I can, it is good for the soul :)

