
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Welcome To My Journey!

Ever since I was in grade school I've been fascinated by the WWII era and the 40's and 50's.  I loved listening to my grandparents stories of what life was like then.  I've always thought I would have thrived during that time.  Grandma used to joke that my mother and I should have changed generations.  Mom loved everything modern and I've always loved the old.

Now that my children are all grown up, I've made a decision.  I'm going to live, as much as possible anyway, like it's 1943.  Now I won't give up my computer  (Besides, it would be hard to blog without it...<G>) and cut myself off from the modern world, but there will be changes.

Food will be purchased with the rationing system and rules in mind.  I'm going to hold the gas for the car down to 3-4 gallons a week.  I work part-time out of necessity and I will take the bus as much as possible.  I will purchase clothing within the ration rules, or make some things using the material I have in my "stash."

I've inherited some of Grandma's cookbooks from that time and I remember a good bit of what she told me.  It will be a little easier for me since I already cook as much as I can from scratch.  I like to cook and bake, and when I lived with my grandparents convenience foods weren't really used.  I was able to find a book about Housekeeping in the 1940's, and I will use it as a guide, too.

I haven't set a start or end date for my adventure in the past.  I do plan to start no later than July 1, perhaps before then.  I just want to make sure I have all the information I can about ration point values, and what was and wasn't rationed.

My Grandmother's name was Elsie.  That's her picture at the top of the page.  She was a great lady and lived to be 93.  I still miss her every day.  I believe she's still watching over my family and me, and I think she would approve of what I have planned.

Please join me on my journey back to the 1940's, when life was simpler in many ways.  People pulled together instead of pulling apart as it seems society is doing now.  I can't wait to see what I will learn.

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